Mountain Man Times

Walter Adams is 41 years old and was born in Connecticut, but has lived all over the country. He is an artist,painter and sculptor. I asked him why he started Mountain Man Times and here is what he had to say:

The page started as a collection of links for myself while I was studying areas to pan for gold , tanning hides , building shelters , wild edible plants etc .I began adding images I found of old mountain men , horses , goldpanners,native Americans and other things that a mountain man would have encountered …. Old MT Man images are rare so I began adding images of people in buckskin and Victorian era images because this was the same ERA as the MT MAN . After moving to TN and Appalachia I spread the page to include images of MT people from this region .
I spent the first 4 months this year in the CHEROKEE National forest looking for gold , exploring history and old cabins . I came back to stay with my family this summer and save some money until I can head out on my next adventure . I also am hoping to open an antique store in an old cabin and have a real mountain experience .Supplementing my income by tanning the hides that other hunters kill because this is often wasted by them . Ive also found some blue clay in the Smoky mts that I would like to sell as healing clay and for facials etc .
I was a boy scout and spent years camping growing up learning about herbs …
The page became very successful and the old cabin images were some of the favorites to many . I wanted to stay as close to the original premise of the MT Man / Victorian era so I decided to start a new page for cabins and the decor I love . I named this page for my NANA and PAPA because they took me all over the country exploring history and my interest was sparked by them . They sacrificed many things to save money for our trips and feel a cabin would have suited them in many ways … NANA n PAPAs Cabin is a lot of fun and has given me an outlet to share my cabin decor finds as well . Ive gotten some extra income from the GENERAL Store album on the page .
I lived in California for many years and the knowledge of herbs I gained growing up evolved into an interest in Natural Healing .Ive thought if I could present alternative healing methods that just ten people try and heal from then they in turn help e few others I would really touch the world and make a difference …. I shared many links on the Mountain Man Times page which spilled into the cabin page . People were very interested in this topic as well so I decided to start a page devoted to this topic as well …. The new page is tentatively called NATURES WILD APOTHECARY which will help people identify which herbs to grow or pick in the wild so they can began to heal or prevent diseases from starting . … This page has been the quickest success thankfully due to my devoted audience on the other pages….

mtn man in gold frame

If you would like to know more please follow these links;

3 responses to “Mountain Man Times

  1. Pingback: Mountain Man Times | Lenora's Culture Center and Foray into History·

  2. Back to the basics. I remember the first time I used a outhouse at my grandparents farm when a I was a child. The world is so different today.


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